Subscription Payments
It is very helpful if you make your payment direct to the Society's bank account, either by Internet banking or telephone banking. If you cannot use either of these methods, we can accept cheque or cash (preferably cheque for security reasons).
The Society's details that you should quote for Internet banking or telephone banking payments are:
Account name:
Wycliffe Choral Society
CAF Bank Ltd.
Sort code:
Account number:

So that we can identify your payment, please use your name as a reference. Please inform us when you have made the payment by sending an e-mail to the Membership Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) copied to the Treasurer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Cheques should be made payable to:
Wycliffe Choral Society
Please hand your cheque or cash payment to the Membership Secretary at rehearsal.

Privacy notice: Wycliffe Choral Society (WCS) holds the names and contact details of its members and participating musicians, as provided by the members and musicians themselves.  This information is used to facilitate the running of the Choral Society and is not shared with any other organisation.